Would You Buy This House?

Executive Summary

  • The home inspector does not understand the nature of the deal, the buyer’s situation, or their buying power.  
  • Therefore, a home buyer must consult a professional advisor that is in tune with the entire process the buyer is navigating so the decision to buy a property or not is based on the entirety of the situation.  
  • A Home inspector is not in a position to make such recommendations.

Asking Your Home Inspector

Jill has an offer accepted on a house in Olathe.  She had about 20 minutes to walk through the house.  She immediately felt at home.  It was going to be perfect for her and her two daughters.  Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a fenced-in backyard.  She beat out 7 other offers on the property.    Everything feels right about it.

Jill was thinking about skipping the inspection because the house was only 16 years old.  Her agent wisely reminded her that “hiring a home inspector is not an expense, it’s an investment.  Inspections help you understand the condition and future inspections of your property.”  Jill scheduled an inspection with Home Partners Inspections out of Olathe.

The Challenge for the Inspector

After spending about 2 1/2 hours going through the property the home inspector reviews the findings with Jill and her agent.  It is a bit overwhelming to hear all the observations.  He mentions the wood rot, some corrosion on the water supply line, the older water heater, and A/C unit.   Then there are the small things like minor cracking above a door, door handles that don’t latch, and the sink that with a plug that does not seal.

Jill, in all the flood of information, asks the home inspector, “Would you buy this house?”

That’s a great question.  And, an important one.  But, the truth is, the inspector is not in a position to give an informed answer.  Here are some reasons why.

1.  The home inspector doesn’t know the deal.  The condition of the house is only one part of the buying process.  But, the inspector does not know if the house in that neighborhood, for that price is above value, below value, or at value.  The inspector does not know if you have a deal or not. Therefore they cannot offer advice on whether or not to purchase.   But, they can help you understand what considerations need to be addressed on the property.

2.  The home inspector does not know your situation.  If you’ve been searching for a year or are about to be at the end of your lease in 40 days that may factor into your buying decision.  Without knowing your current situation and your need for shelter the inspector’s opinion on buying or not buying could lead you in the wrong direction.

3.  Your buying power may impact your decision.  Perhaps you’ve purchased the house at the top of your range and you do not have any additional cash flow to address repairs.  Or, maybe you are buying at the bottom of your range and you have some room to invest in the property.  Those factors are critical to your decision on how you move forward.

Moving Forward from the Inspection

The inspector’s role is to help you understand the current condition of the property.  If the inspector is not in a position to help you make the decision what should you do?

This is why it is important to have a great real estate professional in your corner (Here’s a great article on using an agent.).  From the time you first meet with your agent, they are learning your story and situation.  They are helping you navigate the jungle of real estate with a map they are experts at reading.  Great agents have been listening to you every step of the way.

So, when the inspection is over and you’ve received your report you should review every comment in the report, share your observations and concerns with your agent. Let your agent guide you through the process of proceeding forward. 

You need someone you trust to journey through this whole process from start to finish.  Those of us who just come into your process for a portion of it (your inspector, contractor, family member) do not understand your whole picture.  A great real estate agent does.  This is why they are so valuable.  They know where you’ve been.  They know where you’re going.  And they’re going to do their best to help you get there.  

So, if you ask our inspectors if they’d buy this house, they’re going to encourage you to process all the information with your expert agent.  They’ll guide you through it with class.

By the way, Jill got the house!

Click here to schedule your inspection with the best home education company in the Kansas City metro. 

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